Trichy: Farm bills will sound deathknell of agriculture sector, says DMK MP



Trichy: Farm bills will sound deathknell of agriculture sector, says DMK MP


TRICHY: The farm bills enacted by both houses of Parliament recently are anti-farmer and against the constitution, said Rajya Sabha MP Trichy Siva. He also expressed the hope that all three Acts would be struck down by the court as the way the bills were enacted in the Parliament was unconstitutional. Addressing a webinar on the farm bill organized by St Joseph’s Institute of Management (JIM) of St Joseph’s College, the DMK leader stated that the bills will not help the farming community in any way and would only harm it. Agriculture and MSME were the sectors that are creating more employment in the country. Instead of rejuvenating the agriculture sector, the bills will destroy its entire structure, he added. “Farmers are now free to cultivate any crop based on the soil and the season and can sell their produce either through Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) or private traders. However, once a contract between the farmer and the corporate companies comes into force, the farmers will be dictated by the corporates. The bills will eventually end the MSP-based procurement system as there will not be the APMC system”, he stated. All contracts to be entered into between the farmer and the firms will only be in digital mode. According to a study, 70% of farmers in the country have no idea about direct transfer scheme (DTS). That being the reality, how do they know what was the contract they signed with the wholesalers or exporters, he asked. “The agriculture sector comes under the purview of states and the Centre cannot intervene in it. However, it has been taken away by the Parliament by enacting the farm bills. It is unconstitutional and we have taken the issue to court. Moreover, the way the bills were passed in both the houses was also against the Constitution. We hope the bills would be struck down by the court”, he added.


The Times of India



